Joy to the World: Finding Steadfast Joy in Christ
Today we looked at the meaning of the song Joy to the World. It can be feel impossible to be joyful when you're in a difficult season but this song calls us to be joyful as we remember what Christ has done and what He will do.
Key Takeaways:
#1: Joy can feel fleeting.
There are countless things that we experience that rob us of joy.
These will always occur, but we can take heart because our joy is not
rooted in things going well for us.
#2: True joy is rooted in Jesus.
We can have true joy through the salvation that Jesus offers. He has
saved us from our sin – that is cause for rejoicing!
#3: Jesus will return and make all things new.
We can have joy even during trials because we know that Jesus will
return and will make all things new. No more weeping, or pain, or
death – only joy remains!
Bible Reading Plan
Day 1: Matthew 1:18-25
Day 2: Psalm 98
Day 3: Revelation 21:1-8
Day 4: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Day 5: Romans 15:13
Reflection Questions:
#1. How do you typically respond to challenges and difficulties that
threaten your joy?
#2. How does the promise of Christ's return and the ultimate renewal of
all things impact your perspective on current trials and difficulties?
#3. Consider a specific challenge or difficulty you are currently facing.
How might your response change if you consciously anchored your
perspective in the promise of Christ's return and the ultimate
renewal of all things?