A Sending Church
This week, Pastor Kevin continues our vision series with a call to become a sending church. Join us as we learn from the church in Antioch in Acts 11 and 13.
Key Takeaways:
#1: The great commission remains incomplete.
There are around 400,000 people in the North Country who do not
have a gospel-centered relationship with Jesus. Likewise, there are
still over 7,000 unreached people groups with a population of over 3
billion people waiting to hear the good news about Jesus.
#2: We are to seek multiplication, not self-preservation.
God’s desire is to see the lost found, the found equipped, and the
equipped sent. It’s natural to want self-preservation, but we have to
look beyond ourselves for the sake of the gospel.
#3: Gospel goodbyes are necessary for gospel effectiveness.
It’s never easy to say goodbye, but doing so for the sake of the
gospel is necessary. We must send out workers into the harvest field
even when it’s uncomfortable to do so.
Bible Reading Plan:
Day 1: Acts 11:19-26, Acts 13:1-3
Day 2: Acts 14
Day 3: Acts 15:36-41
Day 4: Acts 17
Day 5: Acts 18
Reflection Questions:
Am I willing to step outside my comfort zone and say "yes" to God's
leading, even if it means letting go of something familiar?
Is there anything holding me back from fully committing to the
vision of our church? If so, what is it, and how can I overcome it?