The Deadly Spiral of Sin and the Hope of Repentance
David is described as a man after God’s own heart. He defeated Goliath, wrote many psalms, and was zealous for God. But he was also a man who horribly sinned against God. David’s complacency leads to lust which leads to coveting which leads to adultery which leads to murder — it’s a death spiral of sin! However, David’s story doesn’t end with his horrid moral failure. He sees the error of his ways thanks to the prophet Nathan and repents. He receives
God’s forgiveness and is restored — but not without some natural consequences to his sin. David’s story gives hope for sinners like us. We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. The wages of sin is death and separation from God. Yet, God in His mercy and grace has provided a way of salvation in Jesus’ death and resurrection. We, too, can receive God’s salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.
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